// **************************************************************** // * * // * TTTTT RRRR I SSSSS CCCC U U I TTTTT * // * T R R I S C U U I T * // * T RRR I SSSSS C U U I T * // * T R R I S C U U I T * // * T R R I SSSSS CCCC UUUU I T * // * * // **************************************************************** NAME: Jedi Fists COG USED: weap_fists.cog HOW IT WORKS: A small modfication to the normal fists. You can punch faster than normal. Fire1- throws left punch, Fire2- throw right punch. Any Players, Actors, or Throwcrates within your punch range will be knocked backwards 20 feet. The best plan of attack is to try to knock them into walls.