**************************************************************** * * * TTTTT RRRR I SSSSS CCCC U U I TTTTT * * T R R I S C U U I T * * T RRR I SSSSS C U U I T * * T R R I S C U U I T * * T R R I SSSSS CCCC UUUU I T * * * **************************************************************** NAME: Build3Beta GOB and Cogs COG USED: Complete Pack of cogs HOW IT WORKS: Both versions pass checksum, and the GOB contains a edited strings but will contain background graphics when done (Special Thanks to EAH_CL0wN, my gob is modelled after his). I would like feedback on how well these one's work, what other levels you would like supported, and what should I do will remaining force powers - more Build or Effects? These cogs are intending for building providing almost no protection from other hax and the only way you can attack others is by using saber. (This beta lacks many edited Force cogs so its also possible to attack people using some of the forces. This may change.) Here are the edited cogs: Kyle.cog <- All weaps, level detecting, slow 3do syching , 500 health, 200 Sheilds. Fists <- Tunnel Builder. Bryar <- Good Ol' Delete gun. Minor edit to Trippin' Billies Version. Strifle <- Circle Builder. Fire1- Large Circle Doors Fire2 - LandingPads. Thermdets <- Decorative Builder. Fire1- Sofa Fire2- Large Gun Turrents. Crossbow <- Wall Builder. Fire1- Small wall, Fire2- Big wall. Repeater <- Block Builder. Fire1- Black Blocks, Fire2- Red Crates. Raildets <- Bridge Builder. Fire1- Small Bridge. Fire2- Big Bridge. Concrifle <- Ship Builder. Fire1- Crow Ship, Fire2- Desert Skimmer? Saber <- Enhanced saber, Double-Bladed Red(old skool type not lightstaff) Slightly more damage per swing. Clears others God/Phantom on swing. Item_Bacta <- Respawn. (Use this to get out of hell or unstuck). Item_FieldLight <- Phantom. (Phantom will be turned off, every respawn). Item_Irgoggles <- Fly/God toggle. (Defaults to ON at respawn). Modified EAH_CL0wN's god toggle. Force_Throw <- Target Someone and give them Fly/God. Force_Blinding <- Target Someone and remove Fly/God. Force_Persuasion <- Everyone FLY/GOD. Leave this running if you want EVERYONE to have Fly/God. Here is the list of currently supported BUILD3 levels: Bespin Canyon Oasis JI Oasis Nar Shaddna Blades of Death Valley of the Jedi Tower BGJ (Major problems, basically BUILD is faked here.) CTF - The Duel CTF - Arena of Dark and Light CTF - Challenge at Nar Shaddna Empire Night Club Canyon Stream Jedi High School Morpheus Necropolis Jedi Dojo Bar and Grill2 (Minor problems like CROW doesnt show) - Other Levels may work but doubtful. Levels I hope to support in completed Version: Drazen Bar and Grill (Original)